About Us

Pure Health Hub is a resource dedicated to women 40+. A place where we will share world’s best practice from the world’s best practitioners in medical and complementary health. We believe they are not mutually exclusive but instead, better operating in sync as prevention is always better than cure. The onset of COVID for me was a wrecking ball on so many levels. My new company in cross-border health came to a grinding halt. Yet, the pandemic did me a favour. Just weeks later I was diagnosed with multiple health conditions. All aging conditions yet I couldn't seem to find engaging content that enabled me to learn and own my own health journey. Mostly it was dry medical passages with terms that flew over my head. Plus there seemed to be little in integrative medicine. So I created it and am also sharing what I'm learning on this journey. Each of us understands those sometimes feelings of overwhelm, the physical and mental toll as we go about raising families, running businesses, climbing ladders, working for our money, being a great mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. It’s ok if we drop some of these balls occasionally. We want to help you catch them!


Websites & Online Services
Website: purehealthhub.com

Office: 0414326747

Office: Suite 11, 76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia